Price listed is for a pair (one male and one female)
Fish pictures are taken as accurate as possible. Pictures shown are for illustration as a representation of the exact fish.
Navedena cena je vključevala stroške pošiljanja iz Indonezije prek podjetja Transhipper. Kupec mora plačati svojemu lokalnemu pretovornemu agentu za uvozne pristojbine in domače stroške pošiljanja.
Doživljenjsko jamstvo
In the unlikely event that you do receive a dead fish, you must ensure to contact us within 24 hours of it’s arrival. Any claims after this will not be honoured.
In case of D.O.A, please sent us a clear picture of the dead fish with unopened bag. Customer can submit their claim by email at or WhatsApp through (+62) 821-3871-8445.
Vračilo in zamenjava
Ne ponujamo vračil ali zamenjav, vendar z veseljem zamenjamo vsa naročila, ki ustrezajo naši politiki odškodninskih zahtevkov.