Corydoras are quite placid and well suited to tropical freshwater community aquariums, as they get along well with most other species and are not aggressive.
Corydoras are quite placid and well suited to tropical freshwater community aquariums, as they get along well with most other species and are not aggressive.
Carp edema virus disease (CEVD) is caused by a poxvirus associated with outbreaks of clinical disease in koi and common carp.
Adding salt to a freshwater aquarium can help with osmotic regulation, wound healing, and stress reduction.
This page outlines quick identification of the most common betta fish diseases and sicknesses you may encounter.
Hexamatiasis is a type of protozoan parasite that usually affects the family of Cichlidae such as discus, angelfish, oscars, and gouramis.
Osmoregulation in freshwater fish is the process of maintaining the right balance of water and salt in their bodies.
Obstoječe stranke ponastavite geslo, da ponovno pridobite dostop do svojega računa.
Vaši osebni podatki bodo uporabljeni za podporo vaši izkušnji na tem spletnem mestu, za upravljanje dostopa do vašega računa in za druge namene, opisane v našem Pravilnik o zasebnosti.